Darjeeling tea has often been called the “champagne of tea,” and has traditionally been prized in the United Kingdom above all other black teas. Darjeeling tea is grown only in the Darjeeling region of West Bengal, India. It has traditionally been made only into black teas, but in recent years more Darjeeling oolongs and Darjeeling whites have been entering the market. Even traditional Darjeeling black tea is usually oxidized less than most other black teas, giving it a taste and body more similar to traditional oolong. There are 334 reviews available for this category, for
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
शानको चिया–जिन्दगी
२६ बर्षदेखि फुटपाथमा चिया बेचेर सुखी परिबार बसाएका र आत्मसन्तोषले रमाएका
जअबिर राइ(कुर्मी) जिन्दगी जिउँनेहरुका निम्ति गतिला पथप्रदर्शक बन्न
सक्छन् ।
जीवन जिउँने हरेकका आफ्नै तरिका हुन्छन्। कोही भौतिक सुखसयलको उत्कर्ष
भेट्टाउँने मृगतृष्णा बोकेर निरन्तर कुदिरहन्छन्, कसैले चाहिँ आफ्नै सानो
दुनियाभित्र आत्म–सन्तोषमार्फत् सांसारिक सुखकै अनुभूति गरिरहेका हुन्छन् ।
धार्मिक नगरी जनकपुरको चहलपहल–भीडभाडयुक्त ‘जनक–चोक’को यौटा कुनामा
बिहानीको झ्सिमिसेदेखि अबेर रातिसम्म चियाका गिलाससँग साक्षात्कार गरिरहने
जअबिर राइ(कुर्मी) त्यस्तै एउटा उदाहरण हुन् ।प्लाष्टिकको पालमुनि घामपानी छेकिने गरी राखिएका चारवटा बेञ्च, केही थान दुध–चिया उमाल्ने भाँडा, अनि केही दर्जन काँचका गिलास । उमेरले आधा शताब्दी काटिसकेका जअबिरका गरिखाने सम्पत्ति भनेकै यति हुन् । २६ बर्षदेखि यही ‘फुटपाथ’मा चिया बेचेर पाँच जनाको परिवारलाई सुखी र खुसी राखेका जअबिर स्वयम् पनि
कतारमा नेपाली अर्गानिक चिया
दोहा (कतार), वैशाख १७ -
नेपालमा उत्पादित अर्गानिक चिया कतारमा बिक्री सुरु भएको छ । रासायनिक मल
तथा कीटनाषक औषधिको प्रयोगबिना उत्पादित चियाको कतारमा राम्रो बजारको
सम्भावना देखेर यहाँ व्यवसाय गर्दै आएका नेपालीले ल्याएका हुन् ।
निर्माण व्यवसायमा संलग्न बुक्सेल विल्डिङ कन्ट्याक्टिङ एन्ड टे्रडिङ कम्पनीले उक्त चिया
निर्माण व्यवसायमा संलग्न बुक्सेल विल्डिङ कन्ट्याक्टिङ एन्ड टे्रडिङ कम्पनीले उक्त चिया
स्वदेशमै अर्गानिक प्रमाणीकरण नहुँदा विदेशी गुहार्न बाध्य
नेपालको कृषिमा अर्गानिक उत्पादनले निकै
चर्चा पाएको छ । धेरै किसान अर्गानिक कृषि प्रणालीमा अग्रसर भएका छन् तर
स्वदेशमा अहिलेसम्म अर्गानिक (जैविक) उत्पादक प्रमाणित गर्ने सरकारी निकाय
नहुँदा किसान र उद्योगीले सास्ती खेप्नुपरेको छ । विशेषगरी, पूर्वी पहाडी
जिल्लामा अर्गानिक खेतीको लहर चलेकोे छ । चिया, तरकारी र फलफूल कृषक
अर्गानिक खेतीको प्रक्रियामा छन् ।
चिया मजदुरको हात खाली

हरेक हिउ“द महिना सुरू भएपछि इलामका चिया मजदुरहरू घर चलाउनका लागि वैकल्पिक कामको खोजीमा निस्किन्छन् ।
अहिले जिल्लाका अधिकांश चिया बगानमा काम गर्ने मजदुरहरू घट्दै गएका छन् ।
वर्षाका बेला कामको भ्याइनभ्याइ गर्ने मजदुरहरू अब आउ“दो जेठ महिनासम्मका लागि बगानबाट बिदा
चिया खाने चिनियाँहरुको बानी सम्बन्धमा
चिया सम्बन्धी चीनको इतिहास
चार हजार वर्षभन्दा पनि पूरानो छ।
हरके दिन निरन्तर रुपमा चिया खानु
चिनियाँहरुका लागि नगरिनहुने कुरा
हो। यस सम्बन्धमा एक किसिमको भनाइ
छः सबै घर-परीवारमा दाउरा, चामल,
तेल, नून, भटमास, वेनेकर र चिया
यी सातवटा खाने कुरा तयार
हुनुपर्दछ। ती सातवटा खाने
कुराहरुमध्ये चिया नभइनहुने कुरा
हो। चिया बनाएर पाहुनाहरुलाई दिनु,
उनिहरुको सम्मान गर्नु
चिनियाँहरुको बानी हो। पाहुनाहरु
घरभित्र पस्नेबित्तिकै घरपट्टीले
तुरुन्तै मीठो र सुगन्धित चिया
टक्र्याउने गर्दछन। चिया खाँदै गफ
गर्नु कति रमाइलो र आनन्ददायी
वातावरण है।
Sunday, January 27, 2013
इलामको चिया विश्व बजारका लागि उपयुक्त :अमेरिकी व्यापारी
युरोपियन मुलुकमा मात्र निकासी हुँदै आएको इलामको अर्थोडक्स चिया अमेरिकासहित विश्व बजारमा लैजान उपयुक्त रहेको अमेरिकी व्यापारीहरुले बताएका छन् । चिया प्रशोधन कारखाना र चियाको गुणस्तर अनुगमन गर्न इलाम पुगेका व्यापारीहरुले इलामको चिया अमेरिका लैजान आफूहरु तयार रहेको बताएका हुन् । यसअघि अरु देशमा निर्यात भएपनि नेपाली तयारी अर्थाडक्स चिया अहिलेसम्म अमेरिकामा निर्यात भएको थिएन । इलामको चियाको प्रवद्र्धनका लागि अमेरिकी टी एसोसिएशनबाट आएको पिटर गोग्गीलगायत १० जना ब्यापारीको टोलीले गोर्खा टी स्टेट र
उन्नतिका माध्यम : कृषि, पर्यटन र पानी
पूर्वकी रानीको उपनामले चिनिएको इलाम जिल्ला सम्भावनाको पनि खानी नै हो । सुन्दर प्राकृतिक छटा, सांस्कृतिक विविधता र कृषि उत्पादनको उर्वरताले यसलाई नेपालमै सबैभन्दा धेरै व्यावसायिक सम्भावना भएको जिल्लामध्येमा अग्रणी बनाएको छ । इलाममा विशेषतः तीनओटा कुराको उच्च सम्भावना छ – कृषि, पर्यटन र पानी । यी सम्भावनाहरूको उचित दोहन गर्न सक्ने हो भने इलाम जिल्लाको काँचुली नै फेरिन सक्छ । ‘तर, त्यसका लागि प्रविधि, बजार र व्यवस्थापनमा इलामेलीहरूले ध्यान दिनुपर्छ,’ महेन्द्ररत्न क्याम्पस इलामका पूर्वक्याम्पस प्रमुख तथा इलाम उद्योग वाणिज्य सङ्घका सल्लाहकार युद्धप्रसाद वैद्य बताउँछन् ।
पूर्वकी रानीको उपनामले चिनिएको इलाम जिल्ला सम्भावनाको पनि खानी नै हो । सुन्दर प्राकृतिक छटा, सांस्कृतिक विविधता र कृषि उत्पादनको उर्वरताले यसलाई नेपालमै सबैभन्दा धेरै व्यावसायिक सम्भावना भएको जिल्लामध्येमा अग्रणी बनाएको छ । इलाममा विशेषतः तीनओटा कुराको उच्च सम्भावना छ – कृषि, पर्यटन र पानी । यी सम्भावनाहरूको उचित दोहन गर्न सक्ने हो भने इलाम जिल्लाको काँचुली नै फेरिन सक्छ । ‘तर, त्यसका लागि प्रविधि, बजार र व्यवस्थापनमा इलामेलीहरूले ध्यान दिनुपर्छ,’ महेन्द्ररत्न क्याम्पस इलामका पूर्वक्याम्पस प्रमुख तथा इलाम उद्योग वाणिज्य सङ्घका सल्लाहकार युद्धप्रसाद वैद्य बताउँछन् ।
Sunday, January 20, 2013
A Brief History of Tea in Nepal

Numerous tea plantations around the hill station of Darjeeling were promoted by the
British. Hybrids of tea bushes were introduced in several districts in Nepal - Illam,
Taplejung, Panchthar and Dhankuta within a few years after their introduction in
Darjeeling and the first tea estates were established in 1863 in Illam and Jhapa. But
whereas the Darjeeling tea production soon emerged into a prosperous commercial
industry, the Nepalese tea production remained low profile until the 1990s, unable to
All tea is produced from a plant called Camellia sinensis. The thousands of different varieties of teas available in the world only vary by the region it was grown, the time of year picked, and the processing method.
Our premium teas come from all over the world and many of our Chinese and Japanese teas fit into one of these main categories of tea: white, green, oolong, and black tea. We also carry herbal infusions or tisanes, sometimes called herbal tea, which do not actually contain the Camellia sinensis plant.
Each type of tea has its own characteristics including a different taste, differing health benefits, and even different levels of caffeine. One of the best ways to find out which teas are for you is to walk into a Teavana store and sample some of our delicious, premium loose tea. You can also learn about different tea types by reading the following tea descriptions or browsing our full selection of loose leaf teas.
Our premium teas come from all over the world and many of our Chinese and Japanese teas fit into one of these main categories of tea: white, green, oolong, and black tea. We also carry herbal infusions or tisanes, sometimes called herbal tea, which do not actually contain the Camellia sinensis plant.
Each type of tea has its own characteristics including a different taste, differing health benefits, and even different levels of caffeine. One of the best ways to find out which teas are for you is to walk into a Teavana store and sample some of our delicious, premium loose tea. You can also learn about different tea types by reading the following tea descriptions or browsing our full selection of loose leaf teas.
White Teas
White tea is the purest and least processed of all teas. This loose leaf tea has very little caffeine and brews a light color and flavor. White teas also contain healthy antioxidants and are the best for skin and complexion. Find out more about white tea or shop ourWhite Teas.
Green Teas
Green tea is the most popular type of tea, mainly because it is the beverage of choice in Asia. Some loose green teas are scented with flowers or mixed with fruits to create scented or flavored teas. This tea has only 5-10% the caffeine in coffee per cup. Green teas contain healthy antioxidants. They help maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range, are good for skin and teeth, and can be used as part of your diet to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Find out more about green tea or shop our Green Teas.
How Tea is Processed

All of the world's tea falls into one of three categories: black, oolong or green. These divisions are based solely on differences in the methods of processing the tea leaf. Black teas (most familiar in the West) are black in appearance and produce red-brown liquor in the cup. Green teas are green in appearance and yield yellow-green liquors. Oolong teas are greenish-brown in appearance and make an amber-colored beverage. It is possible to make green, black and oolong teas from the leaves of a single tea bush. It is commonplace for greens, oolongs and black teas to be made from the same varieties of the plant. As a practical matter, however, certain districts, areas, and estates generally specialize in the production of one of these categories of tea. Virtually all Japanese tea is green while almost all Indian tea is black. China produces all three types.
How to drink tea
A potted history
The British have a great heritage in tea, and we love to think we know all about it, but today our knowledge of it is very limited. Ninety per cent of what we drink is now sold in teabags, and its average infusion time is estimated to be less than 50 seconds - a very different situation to 50 years ago, when it was sold in packets and required a five-minute infusion.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
The History Of Tea
Drinking tea plays such a central part in our lives, it is such a universal phenomenon with millions of people the world over enjoying their tea on a daily basis, that it’s hard to imagine a world without tea and yet while the Eastern world has been using tea for more than 4500 years, for most of this time tea was unknown in the Western world.
Tea was only introduced into the West a relatively recent 400 years ago. Discovered in China, tea has exerted a profound influence on societies and cultures throughout the world so that there are unique ceremonies in various cultures and most parts of the world have social etiquettes concerning the
Tea production in Ilam

Tea Production
Tea production in Ilam (as Nepal tea) started as early as 1863, when the Chinese government offered then Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana tea saplings that were then planted in Ilam. In 1868, the Ilam tea factory was established, andBenefits to Drinking Green Tea
Green tea has increasingly become a very popular
drink worldwide because of its immensely powerful health benefits. It is
extraordinarily amazing what green tea can do for your health. And if
you're not drinking three to four cups of green tea today, you're
definitely not doing your health a big favor. Here are the 25 reasons
why you should start drinking green tea right now:
1. Green tea and cancer: Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 24
1. Green tea and cancer: Green tea helps reduce the risk of cancer. The antioxidant in green tea is 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 24
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